Close-up picture of someone typing on a laptop with graphic icons hovering above indicating document automation.
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

A Guide to Automating Your Expertise! Where to Begin


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Legal document automation solutions are making it easier than ever to streamline workflows and reduce the amount of time spent on repetitive manual processes. By automating tasks such as generating contracts, agreements, applications, opinions, pleadings, or entire sets of documents, you can increase both the volume and value of the service you deliver to clients, customers, and business stakeholders.

However, not all automation solutions are well-suited for the rigors of legal work, and it can be a challenge to get started as well as ensure you’re receiving the maximum benefits from document and workflow automation technology.

In “Automate Your Expertise! Where to Begin,” a free guide by NetDocuments, you’ll gain insight into how automation is solving common challenges impacting law firms of all sizes, corporate legal departments, and legal professionals in the public sector; what to look for in a technology solution that will grow with you; and how to develop a plan for getting started.

Take the first steps toward empowering your people to automate their expertise and focus more time on higher-value work.

What is Legal Document Automation?

Automation refers to using technology to execute tasks, processes, and workflows — either in part or in their entirety — minimizing the need for human time and effort. Legal document automation streamlines the tedious, labor-intensive processes and manual tasks necessary for legal document work, such as data entry, information or service intake requests, bulk document creation, and more.

How Automation Can Solve Your Top Document and Workflow Challenges

Regardless of your practice or area of focus, the amount of time involved in doing even simple manual tasks can put an immense amount of pressure on your workforce, especially for growing law firms looking to increase their client base and legal departments trying to keep pace with the demands of the business.

Automation technology can help your organization significantly reduce repetitive work as well as deliver other benefits, such as:

  • Build custom web- or app-based forms for matter or project intake
  • Better serve your clients or business stakeholders
  • Create large volumes of high-quality, error-free documents
  • Automate complex legal logic in your documents
  • Increase efficiency to reduce labor costs
  • Stay ahead of the competition
  • Modernize your practices and workflows
  • Free up time for higher-value work
  • And more!

If you’re ready to move away from manual processes and improve the quality of your outcomes, downloadAutomate Your Expertise! Where to Begin”.

Let NetDocuments Help You Automate Your Expertise

As the world’s #1 trusted cloud-based content management and productivity platform, NetDocuments helps legal professionals do their very best work. Our solutions are designed from the ground up with legal work in mind, helping your team create and manage high volumes of documents with ease while also providing the level of security required for sensitive and privileged information.

Request a demo today to discover how our PatternBuilder document and workflow automation solution can help you easily replicate and automate your unique templates and processes, so they’re done the right way — your way — every time.

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