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Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

NetDocuments Brings Responsible AI to the Legal Sector with ndMAX and PatternBuilder MAX

"The future is already here. It is just not evenly distributed.” — William Gibson, renowned science fiction author

Fast forward a few years from today, and every legal professional will be meaningfully impacted by generative AI. It might be something as simple as receiving a few helpful suggestions while drafting a brief…or perhaps running a search of documents automatically profiled by generative AI…or using AI to speed up diligence review as part of a transaction.

Or maybe losing a client to the firm down the street that’s doing all of those things.

As the generative AI story unfolds in legal, it will happen as Gibson suggested — unevenly. The factors that hinder successful adoption will not be just the pace at which an organization wants to move, but also the readiness and capability of their technology vendors to move with them.

At NetDocuments, we are committed to ensuring our customers can move both fast and responsibly to adopt generative AI technologies. Over the last six months, we’ve met with hundreds of customers to listen to how they want to use this technology; what concerns they have; and what opportunities they see. And they raised important questions:

  • How do we protect our firm’s “secret sauce” and client’s information when using AI?
  • Is there a way to put up guardrails for users to control how, when, and where AI gets used?
  • Do we need to train every lawyer to become a prompt engineer?
  • What about ethical walls…can we restrict AI’s access to content when doing work the same way we do for lawyers?

Based on those conversations, we’ve thoughtfully embedded AI throughout the NetDocuments platform to deliver a new suite of solutions with the tools and considerations that enable you to leverage AI responsibly.

Welcome to the future of NetDocuments: ndMAX.

One Platform, Unlimited Possibilities – Again

Several years ago, our annual user conference, Inspire, was built around the theme, "One Platform, Unlimited Possibilities." As we added more integrated products like SetBuilder and Workspace Security Manager, customers discovered they could do more with our platform than ever before. And many of them extended NetDocuments even further, connecting third-party applications or building their own solutions directly connected to NetDocuments using our robust APIs. This approach meant that whatever you needed, you could (almost) always make it happen with NetDocuments.

But the piece that always eluded the grasp of legal organizations was AI. In the past, the work of building even a rudimentary AI solution was daunting. It could take thousands of documents to train a single-domain model. Multiply that across the hundreds of domains found in the legal industry and you can quickly see the challenge.

But general-purpose large language models like OpenAI unlock traditional legalese, allowing AI to “understand” human language. These impressive results often come from so-called “zero shot” learning — meaning, it can comprehend things it hasn’t seen before. The results get even better when you combine AI with your own experience, client insights, and collective knowledge — all found in your legal documents. In fact, that’s why three out of four professionals prefer AI to be built into their document management system, rather than offered by a third party, according to an independent study we conducted.

With the launch of ndMAX’s flagship product, PatternBuilder MAX, the possibilities are unlimited once again. PatternBuilder MAX maximizes the capabilities of PatternBuilder, NetDocuments’ native, no-code document and workflow automation capabilities, to radically improve drafting and workflows from the most commoditized to the fully bespoke. With PatternBuilder MAX, you use your existing knowledge to build AI-powered applications that accelerate your organization and the delivery of legal services. That’s because we are putting the power of AI prompting directly into the hands of our customers where they need it most: their document management system.

Need to summarize a few dozen depositions? Great, PatternBuilder MAX can do that in minutes. Want to revise a contract to align it with your common playbook or past agreements? PatternBuilder MAX can do that automatically, too. Or maybe you practice in a specialized area where few people –– much less vendors –– in the world have expertise, but you still want to automate key tasks? That’s the great thing about PatternBuilder MAX; you can adapt your unique experience into generative AI workflows that solve these real-world scenarios. And it leverages PatternBuilder’s built-in relational databases to store all types of data, letting you design, build, and deploy innovative internal- and client-facing solutions even we at NetDocuments have not imagined.

Taking AI to the Max!

There’s so much to discuss and show you, and we’re excited to invite current and future NetDocuments users to join us at our Inspire annual conferences to once again discover the unlimited possibilities of NetDocuments and ndMAX. You’ll get to hear from leading generative AI luminaries and top technology companies like Microsoft; discuss the role of applying professional responsibility to AI; and envision how legal organizations like yours can transform their businesses and set themselves up for the next generation of legal work. We’ll also share more about what’s ahead for ndMAX.

Sign up now, because space is filling up fast!

In the meantime, I highly recommend you attend one of our upcoming webinars or connect with us about getting started with PatternBuilder (request a demo). It’s your entry point to generative AI on NetDocuments and the fastest way to get into our limited access program in advance of general availability later this year.

So while the future may be unevenly distributed, NetDocuments’ customers can start living it today.

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