Inspire 2021 recently featured six customer and eight partner awards –– and our inaugural NetDocuments Hackathon. These programs recognize inspired work and celebrate those who inspire. Congratulations to all our winners!
Inspire 2021 recently featured six customer and eight partner awards –– and our inaugural NetDocuments Hackathon. These programs recognize inspired work and celebrate those who inspire. Congratulations to all our winners!
On Feb. 7, 2007, Yahoo! released a delightfully prescient application that heralded the future of “no-code” automated work: Yahoo! Pipes.
There is something to be said for foresight and vision… and having the conviction to follow through and commit to a specific direction. Such was the case in June in 2017, when Tikit (now a part of Advanced), announced that NetDocuments would be the document management solution (DMS) Tikit would be providing for all new clients.
The argument over remote and hybrid work is over. There’s no need to continue weighing the pros and cons. Instead, it’s time to recognize that a growing majority of workers expect hybrid work options, and companies, including in the health care space, plan to provide them.
At NetDocuments, we believe in providing opportunities for underserved minority students to discover what inspires them and learn how to harness that inspiration to drive their future success.
There’s no doubt about it: the financial services industry is going digital. For many years, consumer preferences have been the driving force behind the change. Since the beginning of the pandemic, however, digital transformation has become absolutely essential.