The Power-of-One
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

The Power-of-One


Several years ago, as we were creating the NetDocuments Service, we promoted it as the Power-of-One since it consists of a complete cloud-based infrastructure that is wholly hosted and provided by NetDocuments. There are no server-based issues for customers to deal with on a local basis, freeing up IT personnel to focus more on what matters most at your organization. The client is also simplified using the standard browser tools everyone is familiar within today's world.  

It is always fun to onboard new customers and hear them say things like, "you mean we don't have to perform indexing functions on a regular basis or worry about disk space constraints or other routine server maintenance issues?" You got it. The Power-of-One gives you all of the necessary tools to manage your documents and email without dealing with the day-to-day pressures and constraints of managing everything in your own server room. That even includes navigating the vast sea of security concerns and regulations in today's cyber world. Yes, you can rest assured that with the NetDocuments Power-of-One, the minutia, details, and concern are handled in a secure environment that you can be confident about with your clients and regulators.

Having taken that load off your shoulders, I want to focus on a different aspect of the Power-of-One concept that positively impacts each of your users. Since you no longer need to deal with the issues described above, you can focus on the Power-of-One in your own organization with each of your employees. You can now direct your attention to other areas where you can help improve your organization and focus on the individuals that play a part in running your practice.

We have always helped you provide focus through the Power-of-One for your employees. With the cloud model, dealing with bugs, for example, is diminished considerably. Yes, believe it or not, we do encounter a few bugs once in a while, but they are squashed and information is made available immediately across the world and user base. This results in a worry-free environment for your employees and strengthens that Power-of-One for you and your people.

The same holds true with customer input. NetDocuments continues to be built by listening to our customer base and creating simplicity, customer-driven, customer-molded, and customer-preferred features and enhancements.  We never rest on our laurels when it comes to listening to customers and incorporating improved solutions around managing documents and email. The NetDocuments cloud model lets us deliver the enhancements to you on a frequent and continual basis.

The NetDocuments Service started with customer support and care as a core integrated component of the solution. Customer-driven support and the vibrant Support Community site, forums, idea bank, and knowledge base, have always been an integral component of the Service. Our organizational structure ensures that we have a daily window into our users and specific document and email needs. The constant information flow gleaned from the customer base is continuously funneled to our Product Management teams, enabling continuous improvement of the Service, providing the Power-of-One. We strive to be creative, provide solutions, and earn your business and trust each and every day through the modern NetDocuments Service.

Have a Happy Holiday season and we look forward to a wonderful New Year with you.

Thank you for a great year,

Lee A. Duncan

NetDocuments Chief Customer Officer

"Great company, great products, great leadership, great people, great culture!"
"I love my team and peers. We are family, and we respect each other."
"NetDocuments encourages a good work/family balance."
"I feel respected and valued by leadership and my team."
"We work together and support/encourage each other to do our best work every day."
"From start to finish, my leaders are willing to guide me and let me try new things. This keeps work fresh, exciting, and fun so I don't burn out or get bored."
"I have clear direction in my work tasks and priorities. I also feel encouraged to put my family first and maintain a healthy work life balance."
"I work with highly motivated individuals who are smart and allow me to learn from them!"
"NetDocuments is committed to exceeding customer expectations by building leading products hosted in rock-solid environments."
"I'm empowered to try new things and think through processes and campaigns strategically. I can lean on my boss for support, but I'm not micromanaged, which is appreciated."
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