Analytics: Legal Document Analytics Software

Included in the LEARN solution

Information powers your business, and now with Analytics you can access new insights to improve and understand user behavior.

Business leaders, practice teams and IT administrators can use Analytics to shape business outcomes by eliminating inefficiencies, removing bottlenecks, or improving usage and adoption rates.

Gain Clear Visibility into Utilization of NetDocuments at Various Levels

Three levels of Analytics – Repository, Cabinet, and Workspace – give you insights for your business, learning for your departments, and information on your projects.

Analytics delivers the insights you want, in an easy to digest format by using charts, visualization tools, heat maps, and more. These tools are delivered at the repository, cabinet, and workspace levels, allowing you to easily view the information you need at the required level, to gain deeper insights that can help you shape business outcomes and drive ROI.

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NetDocuments Product, Analytics, screenshot.
NetDocuments Product, Analytics, screenshot.

Increase Expertise Sharing

Workspace Analytics allows you to view user interaction with documents and identify users that are most active on a specific project or matter.

Identify top users, SMEs, and key contributors, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing across your organization.

Monitor System Performance

Repository Analytics allows you to gain actionable insights on how NetDocuments is used by your business and understand system performance.

Understand system speed, usage, and more so you always know you’re getting the most out of your investment.

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NetDocuments Product, Analytics, screenshot.
NetDocuments Product, Analytics, screenshot.

Maximize ROI

Cabinet Analytics allows you to dive deeper into user behavior to promote adoption, training, or information governance.

Get the information necessary to understanding how your team works so you can identify areas for improvement and targeted training.

Let's Talk!

"NetDocuments is very easy to access from wherever you are, no matter what device you’re using. Additionally, the platform’s ability to share links and collaborate on documents has been extremely useful."

"There’s no point in reinventing the wheel. Using the advanced search in NetDocuments has enabled our teams to quickly locate past matter content for re-use—significantly decreasing the time they spend on new work and increasing overall accuracy for our clients."

- Anand C. Mathew, Partner, Palmersheim & Mathew LLP

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