Enterprise search engine technology
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

Modern Enterprise Search Technology is a Game Changer in Legal


Last year, BA Insight partnered with NetDocuments to announce NetKnowledge, which enables lawyers to search for enterprise content that resides both in NetDocuments and other sources directly from within NetDocuments. Since both the amount of data and the number of content sources that reside within law firms are constantly increasing, finding needed information has become that much more challenging.  

NetKnowledge powered by BA Insight, helps law firms bring all of their information and documents together to form a single source of truth, eliminating the need to perform multiple searches in different places. The integration provides access to information from more than 80 enterprise systems – all from directly within NetDocuments!

To share more information about how firms can benefit from enterprise search, we invite you to join the upcoming webinar entitled, Increasing Law Firm Efficiency with a Modern Enterprise Search Approach. This event, to be held 30/3at 12:00pm ET, will be a live Q&A panel discussion in which we discuss the challenges firms have faced with traditional enterprise search, which has resulted in the need to repeatedly build the same wheel, reducing productivity.  

As law firms are turning their sights to adopting more modern technology, their access to robust search tools is expanding, which will help lawyers save time and effort, growing their contributions to the bottom line. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about NetKnowledge and how it is helping law firms modernize their legal work. You’ll also view a live demonstration!

"Great company, great products, great leadership, great people, great culture!"
"I love my team and peers. We are family, and we respect each other."
"NetDocuments encourages a good work/family balance."
"I feel respected and valued by leadership and my team."
"We work together and support/encourage each other to do our best work every day."
"From start to finish, my leaders are willing to guide me and let me try new things. This keeps work fresh, exciting, and fun so I don't burn out or get bored."
"I have clear direction in my work tasks and priorities. I also feel encouraged to put my family first and maintain a healthy work life balance."
"I work with highly motivated individuals who are smart and allow me to learn from them!"
"NetDocuments is committed to exceeding customer expectations by building leading products hosted in rock-solid environments."
"I'm empowered to try new things and think through processes and campaigns strategically. I can lean on my boss for support, but I'm not micromanaged, which is appreciated."
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