Graphic for the NetDocuments Analytics within the LEARN Solution.
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

New Insights to Aid in Improving User Behavior


When we look back on 2020, what have we LEARNed? Aside from new sourdough recipes, adjusting to working from home nearly overnight, and mastering the art of back-to-back Zoom calls, we’ve also LEARNed that there’s so much more to software once it’s implemented – and closing the loop to track the results of the software we so diligently research prior to implementing is a key component to success.

With that, we were excited to introduce Analytics at Elevate 2020 in October and today, we proudly announce Analytics global general availability. Analytics, included with the LEARN solution, provides more actionable insights about NetDocuments and how people are using your documents, to make your content an even more productive and intelligent engine for growth and success.

As of today, customers can enjoy the first iteration of Analytics, Cabinet and Repository Analytics. To learn more about this new product, and what customers can expect, we sat with Travis Reed, (Product Manager) and Sam Emery (Product Marketing Manager).

Q: What prompted the development of Analytics? Give us the backstory.

We are continuously LEARNing from customers, asking them what it is that they want in our service, and how they can get more from it. A key trend we discovered was that once software is implemented, CIOs, IT teams, and Administrators needed a way to LEARN more about their investment, over time. Administrators want to understand how their data is being accessed, where it is being accessed from, and what they have stored in NetDocuments. This first iteration of Analytics helps answer these key questions.

From here, we understood why customers, particularly large law or corporate legal teams, would benefit from this information – and we wanted to create something new for key stakeholders to understand how to improve user behavior, shape business outcomes, and get more value from their NetDocuments investment. This release of Analytics helps with this, and upcoming features will further enable administrators to understand user behavior.

Q: What would you say is the biggest benefit of Analytics?

To put it simply, Analytics shows you how NetDocuments is performing, helping customers see the value they are getting from the service. Customers can LEARN how their users are utilizing the system and make thoughtful adjustments as a result – versus working off a gut feeling.

With data analysis and visualization tools, companies can turn a wealth of user activity, system performance, and team collaboration data into deep insights that will unlock NetDocuments’ full potential.

Q: Analytics has many features, but which one excites you?

The repository operations page is extremely exciting, as it shares how many people are using the service and when, and what the performance is. It can also show administrators what software version users have. This can help customers identify where any potential issues stem from and drive improvements based on what they find.

Q: How does this compare to other offerings available? Does something like this exist anywhere else today?

With Analytics, customers will get more information than what is on the trust site, and it’ll be filtered specifically to their repository. While there are many analytics programs in the market, Analytics by NetDocuments means there are zero add-ons or integrations with other vendors, so customers can easily get their information from the source. Because this is an internal solution, we can more fully utilize all available sources of information to drive these visualizations and provide better insights. This results in less hassle, making NetDocuments a true, comprehensive suite of services – end-to-end.

Q: Are there any other Analytics updates we should be looking forward to in 2021?

With the launch of Cabinet and Repository Analytics, customers have a high-level view of their data. In early 2021, we will launch Workspace Analytics, which gives customers a granular level of detail of activity on the Workspace level – and this functionality can be extended to end users as well as administrators. As always, we’ll continue to monitor and update Analytics based on feedback and customer requests.

Analytics comes shortly after the NetDocuments annual user conference, Elevate, where it was originally announced in October. This launch further proves NetDocuments’ ability and commitment to hold true to its promises and timelines in consistently delivering new solutions to the marketplace, using and addressing customer feedback as its guide.

You can find more information on how Analytics can help your business, or request a demo today.

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"I love my team and peers. We are family, and we respect each other."
"NetDocuments encourages a good work/family balance."
"I feel respected and valued by leadership and my team."
"We work together and support/encourage each other to do our best work every day."
"From start to finish, my leaders are willing to guide me and let me try new things. This keeps work fresh, exciting, and fun so I don't burn out or get bored."
"I have clear direction in my work tasks and priorities. I also feel encouraged to put my family first and maintain a healthy work life balance."
"I work with highly motivated individuals who are smart and allow me to learn from them!"
"NetDocuments is committed to exceeding customer expectations by building leading products hosted in rock-solid environments."
"I'm empowered to try new things and think through processes and campaigns strategically. I can lean on my boss for support, but I'm not micromanaged, which is appreciated."
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