A Foundation That Combines Practice Management and NetDocuments

Free from the fetters of existing systems and processes, what would you do differently if you could start your organisation over with a completely blank slate?

For Astraea Group, a law firm based in central London that launched in early 2021, they wanted to transform the way expert advocacy and legal advice are delivered, ensuring that clients get the right solutions and best outcomes. Nina Stewart — Fellow Chartered Accountant and one of the firm’s founding partners — knew that visibility was crucial to their success.

“We have one place where we can see everything related to a matter — the time recording, the billing, and all the documents and emails associated with that matter. It’s a robust, efficient system.”

In this conversation with Nina, she discusses how Astraea Group combined practice management from Actionstep with NetDocuments’ leading cloud-based document management system to create a solid foundation for their firm.

Read the Astarea Group case study to get Nina’s thoughts on:

  • Consistency and finding what you need, when you need it
  • Flexibility and anywhere access without compromising on security or compliance
  • Scalability to grow with your business
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NetDocuments Astraea Group's case study discussing their migration to the NetDocuments #1 Cloud Platform.
Watch the 4 Minute Video Case Study
(Don’t have time? Watch the 1 minute clip here or download the PDF now)