Searching for Better Information Governance

Husch Blackwell was utilizing a popular on-site server provider to store its important documents in a system that was "far from perfect," according to Chief Administration Officer, Bret Chapman. “Collaboration and access to documents were big challenges for us,” said Chapman. "And it was a client server environment so there was also a lot of human capital necessary to support and maintain that environment."

Read this case study to learn how Husch Blackwell was able to:

  • Utilize a true cloud environment for document life cycles
  • Save time and money while reducing errors using ChatLink to better integrate with their other platforms
  • Enable all employees to transition to working remotely during a pandemic quickly and efficiently
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NetDocuments Husch Blackwell's case study discussing their migration to the NetDocuments #1 Cloud Platform.
Watch the 4 Minute Video Case Study
(Don’t have time? Watch the 1 minute clip here or download the PDF now)