Swift Currie Thriving with NetDocuments Flexible Security and Document Workflows

Salt Lake City, Utah
ndMAX introduces AI-powered solutions that address a range of legal workflows
securely inside NetDocuments, helping legal professionals responsibly adopt generative AI technology.
PatternBuilder MAX, the first product in the ndMAX AI suite, is in full production with select customers and will be widely available in Q3 2023.

Innovative law firm, Swift, Currie, McGhee & Hiers, is a few years into its NetDocuments cloud platform use, and they have improved attorney workflow by streamlining how documents and emails are stored, easing content access and searchability, and enabling securely governed document collaboration with clients. The firm is nearing 100% user adoption.

According to Wally Saunders, Swift Currie’s IT Director and a member of the firm’s technology evaluation and selection committee, the previous document management system (DMS) left a lot to be desired. “There was major concern with our old system. Documents could have had different versions in three or four disparate locations, so when someone initiated a document search, questions came up like am I really seeing everything or is more information located out on a network share drive? We had committed to a cloud-first strategy at the time, which included our DMS, and NetDocuments proved additionally advantageous as we headed into the pandemic.”

Added Saunders: “Today we have peace of mind of knowing that all our content – documents, emails, etc. – end up in the single platform. This has accelerated system use and adoption, especially in our current hybrid work reality. It's a lot easier for our staff to locate documents within a specific client matter cabinet, and people aren’t wasting time trying to track down documents. I would say 99%-100% of the firm uses the platform. Universally everybody touches NetDocuments at one point or another.”

The firm’s users credit ndMail for adding to the completeness and integrity of the DMS by making it simple to store and find emails. Saunders notes, “Predictive filing capabilities help us ensure everything resides in one place, and case transfers are now a seamless transition.”

Saunders and his team recently added Workspace Security Manager (WSM) to help ease administration of client data security and governance requirements, with the intent of excluding access for specific individuals or granting special access. With WSM, they are simplifying security management, permissions, and policies. Whether Swift Currie needs to identify a bulk of matters and exclude specific user access or provide select groups view-only access to a large set of documents, WSM is making it easy to apply elevated security measures for their unique business needs while streamlining additional workflows.

“Independent of our clients’ requirements, we can now assign varying levels of access in a matter of seconds. We are increasingly seeing this as a growing need, so it’s reassuring to offer this within the familiar and secure NetDocuments environment,” noted Saunders.

“We are excited to see Swift Currie take full advantage of NetDocuments’ suite of capabilities to enable its staff and clients to work together more productively,” added Dan Hauck, Chief Product Officer, NetDocuments. “Our product innovations, including numerous security advancements, are strategically developed in partnership with our customers, so it’s rewarding to see customers like Swift Currie thrive.”

Saunders concludes: “The needs of our users and clients drive our pace of innovation, especially when we look at ‘what’s next’ with an open platform like NetDocuments. Case in point, our use of Workspace Security Manager brings with it an ease with which we can now grant different levels of access to large quantities of files and matters. It’s a win-win for our firm and the clients we serve.”

For more stories of law firms doing their best work with NetDocuments, click here.

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About NetDocuments

NetDocuments is the world’s #1 trusted cloud-based content management and productivity platform that helps legal professionals do their best work. Backed by over 25 years of experience in cloud innovation, NetDocuments supports 4,700+ law firms, corporate legal departments, and public sector entities with solutions that drive better user experiences and business outcomes. NetDocuments offers a complete end-to-end platform for document and email organization and management, including award-winning security and research capabilities, robust collaboration and search technologies, seamless integrations with other tools professionals use daily, and much more. Learn more about NetDocuments.

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Jobst Elster

Envision Agency


+1 (850) 459-49470

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