Time to Break Up with Your VPN
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

It’s Time to Break Up with Your VPN


2020 has proven to be year of change—whether welcome or not. As firms across the world made the transition to working from home in early 2020, VPNs quickly became a thorn in the side of every lawyer and staff member.

While VPNs have remained a solid solution for maintaining network security when away from the office, they fall short on providing the speed and reliability employees expect. And while the slowness may be forgiven, the constant connectivity issues cannot.

So, what better time than now to make a change you can control and call it quits with your VPN? Read on to countdown the reasons why today should be your last putting up with a VPN and how to step into the future of legal work.   

4 Surprising Ways a VPN is Harming Your Productivity

  1. A VPN requires more steps. The VPN user experience is notoriously clunky, and that far-from-seamless process can slow your productivity and take a hefty toll on billable hours, which are already difficult to come by.
  2. VPNs slow your connection. Seconds add up to minutes (which add up to hours) that are wasted when you have an unreliable, glitchy connection. As a result, your VPN might be doubling(!) the time you’re spending on each project—costing you time and money.
  3. A VPN requires valuable time and resources to maintain. Even if the initial design and implementation of your VPN doesn’t take much time, the subsequent support, maintenance, and endless user assistance quickly become points of frustration for everyone in your firm.
  4. Network IP space and existing home equipment may create unforeseen challenges. As more people work from home than ever before, ensuring all employees have functioning, well-maintained hardware already is time consuming, and VPN support requests add an additional layer of time and resources.

3 Key Reasons Law Firms Are Ditching Their VPN

  1. Security breaches: VPNs create a back door to your network, increasing your chance of a major security breach. The cloud, on the other hand, provides access to controlled data protection that can keep sensitive content safe.
  2. Difficult to scale: VPN infrastructures are stagnant by nature and can be difficult to effectively scale and manage. The cloud is built to facilitate growth in every stage. This means no matter how fast your grow, or how many employees are utilizing the service simultaneously, you can always expect the service to be reliable.
  3. Accessed through unmanaged devices: VPNs can be remotely accessed through personal devices, which are easily compromised and can put your entire network at risk. Moving to the cloud minimizes risk while maximizing flexibility to work on the go via the inheritance of critical security protections.

2 Options to Consider When Planning for the Future

  1. Keep doing what you’ve always done and hold onto your glitchy, unreliable VPN—frustrating your users and negatively impacting their ability to be effective producers.
  2. Switch to a seamless cloud document management experience that will turn your documents into a unified source of truth while keeping them secure from threats, human error, or malicious employees.

1 Easy Answer

When you quit your VPN and switch to NetDocuments, you will enjoy organized, easy-to-find content that is always safe, compliant, and available. Your employees will be freed from clunky software that inspires them to complain rather than create, and your firm will be ready for whatever the future holds.

Focus on results instead of locating documents. Request a consultation with NetDocuments today to learn how.

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