FedRAMP logo overlays on an image with an opaque blue overlayed.
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

The Many Benefits of Our FedRAMP Authorization


NetDocuments, a purpose-built native cloud document management and content services platform, has received authorization under the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). Now, both government agencies and departments, as well as private entities that do business with or on behalf of the government, can benefit from our highly secure, reliable, user-friendly platform.

What is FedRAMP?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) created FedRAMP in 2011, and FedRAMP operations are managed by the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO). It was the first security authorization program under the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA).

The mission of FedRAMP is to promote “the adoption of secure cloud services across the federal government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment for cloud technologies and federal agencies.” The program created a standardized approach to:

  • Assess cloud providers’ security;
  • Authorize cloud providers for federal government use; and
  • Monitor authorized cloud providers’ products and services.

Evaluating cloud service providers can often be a lengthy process. The intent of the FedRAMP program is to replicate the validation process easily and seamlessly: do once, use many times. Essentially, the FedRAMP program accelerates the due diligence and evaluation of cloud service vendors to ensure their security meets defined government standards. All parties benefit from this approach as it saves money, time, and effort. Cloud service providers that want to work with federal agencies are required by law to go through FedRAMP.

Why Does FedRAMP Authorization Matter?

The US government has a “cloud first” policy. Each agency is supposed to implement cloud services whenever it can find a secure, reliable, and cost-effective provider. Does that mean every federal agency has jumped at the chance to implement cloud-based products and services? Not quite.

Some agencies still rely on legacy on-premises solutions that have several underlying challenges and problems. Government agencies using on-premises solutions must:

  • Navigate hardware and software upgrades,
  • Manage parity between systems,
  • Maintain appropriate encryption,
  • Implement security patches,
  • Back up data, and
  • Maintain disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

To say all this is a burden is putting it lightly.

The purpose of the cloud first policy is to push agencies to work with credible cloud service providers that take on these burdens. NetDocuments is ready and waiting to help federal agencies transition to the cloud and leverage our platform to improve your business operations. Here is how we can help you:

Benefits of NetDocuments’ FedRAMP Authorization

  1. NetDocuments helps employees work smarter, not harder. Government agencies need a better enterprise content management platform to save, search, and share documents with internal colleagues and external third parties without navigating cumbersome legacy storage applications and time-consuming processes. NetDocuments enables you to seamlessly save work products to a secure central location and offers employees powerful and intuitive tools for easily finding and managing data files.
  2. NetDocuments protects government data. Our clients in the public and private sectors take comfort knowing that NetDocuments offers industry-leading, fully entropic AES 256 encryption and continuous data redundancy for true disaster recovery protection for all our customers. Even those who don’t need the heightened security controls required by FedRAMP will benefit.
  3. NetDocuments enhances information governance. Our platform capabilities go beyond saving and searching. Individuals and teams benefit from better document redlining capabilities, version management, and customizable retention rules. The days of copying a document to create a “new” version are gone. As a result, it’s easier to retain and protect what is required and relevant and avoid accumulating redundant, outdated, and trivial documents.
  4. NetDocuments offers automation and efficiency. Let’s be honest: The federal government is known for red tape — not its speed. But implementing NetDocuments serves as a significant step in the right direction. Agencies can automate workflows and processes, freeing up employees’ time to work on high-value projects and respond faster to internal and external requests.
  5. NetDocuments fosters secure collaboration. Collaborating with your colleagues should be easy, but federal agencies tend to silo information between teams or departments.  NetDocuments promotes authorized stakeholders to easily share work products securely anytime, anywhere.
  6. NetDocuments minimizes agencies’ infrastructure needs. By maintaining a FedRAMP Authorized document management and content services platform, we help government agencies avoid infrastructure costs (e.g., self-hosted applications, shared network drives, extra staff, etc.) and minimize the burden on IT personnel. We also take on the responsibility of security and compliance for the platform by undergoing regular audits with the FedRAMP PMO that include annual re-certifications.
  7. NetDocuments hopes for the best and prepares for the worst. We know how devastating and disruptive natural disasters and network outages can be for essential government functions. Our platform provides agencies with built-in disaster recovery and business continuity technology. The data is safe even when something goes wrong.

When You Can Focus on Results Instead of Documents. That’s Work Inspired

As government employees, you often work in demanding, high-stakes environments. You need technology that accelerates your efforts and makes your life easier. Now that NetDocuments has FedRAMP Authorization, we’ll be able to support federal, state, and local government agencies and departments in becoming more efficient and secure. You’ll spend less time on administrative work and more time on high-value tasks that benefit the public constituents you serve.

Learn more about NetDocuments for government.

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