How to Improve Organization and Processes with SetBuilder
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

Spring Cleaning: How to Improve Organization and Processes with SetBuilder


With Spring just around the corner and the pandemic having us spend much more time in our homes, now is a great time to slow down, prioritize, and get organized – in personal and professional life.

In addition to re-organizing your closet and setting up your own homework station, there are things you can do to improve efficiency and organization from anywhere to maximize your time.

One way to do this is through SetBuilder from NetDocuments. With SetBuilder, you can gather and organize documents to quickly generate a single, digital asset. Using a standard outline format, you can easily build sets from existing documents or add placeholders until the document is created.  Final sets can be easily accessed and shared through the Sets Library within NetDocuments. The single integrated workspace means your documents do not need to leave the security and governance of the platform to create highly organized and usable sets.

Whether you handle transactions, operations, or litigation matters, integrating SetBuilder into your routine provides innovation and efficiency gains in areas like:

  • Closing checklists: Eliminate missing or lost documents by creating closing checklists in SetBuilder. Linking documents directly to the Set means the most current version of every document is available in the Set.
  • Research projects: Organize and store research materials to create a richer, more manageable library.
  • Real estate documents: Combine real estate transaction documents into a single Set, then use that Set as a template for future transactions.
  • Employee materials: Create confidential HR employee packages like onboarding, strategic reorganization, corporate policies and benefits, etc. for use across the organization.
  • Bank lending: Store all financial documents in one place, then create Sets for each transaction making retrieval of specific packages a breeze.
  • Regulatory materials: Bundle regulatory documents and findings, annual reports, and supporting amendments into a single Set to easily organize and access all relevant materials.
  • Board books: Build a Set to combine standard board materials and create board meeting Sets that include meeting minutes and all documents discussed.

SetBuilder makes it easy to create and locate Sets for any matter, while saving time and money. In fact, NetDocuments has heard from one customer firm that documents organizing processes that used to take weeks and months to complete now take under an hour, while the firm has been able to virtually eliminate printing for over 330,000 documents.

Learn More Today

To learn more about how you can save time and maximize efficiency with SetBuilder, we invite you to have a conversation with a business expert. Call us at (866) 638-3627.

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